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Clear Skies Iowa

Updated: Dec 12, 2024

Chemtrails are the result of high altitude aerosol spraying operations the US government performs to create an artificial cirrus cloud layer to combat global warming.

Some groups and organizations claim chem-trails do not exist, that the entire notion is a conspiracy, and that the “trails” we see in the skies are jet engine “contrails.” This is not true; the government admits as much. Contrails do not last for hours, spread out and fall to the ground like chem-trails do. 

Furthermore, chemtrails contain dangerous compounds and nanoparticles which quite possibly cause irreparable harm to the air we breathe and, consequently, our lungs and liver. These chemicals also enter our groundwater, lakes and streams, the soil in which we plant our crops and gardens, negatively affect our pets and other animal life.

The debate will continue, but just using common sense compels us to stop this practice until more research is done and the question of harm is answered once and for all. That is the objective of Clear Skies Iowa.


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