Clear Skies Iowa
The Clear Skies Iowa Group is a collection of Iowa citizens who desire to live healthy and vibrant lives. Since Iowa has the second highest cancer rate in the United States, and since we have a wave of other chronic health issues, such as Alzheimer's, dementia, heart disease, serious respiratory complications, etc. we began an in-depth investigation into the root causes.
Our findings are simple:
*The root causes are toxic chemicals that are being sprayed into the sky and come through the atmosphere - to affect all living things, and finally end up on our precious fields and in our bodies.
*Life-damaging poisons are now found in all plant structures, including the food that we eat.
*Untold high-frequency waves of megawatt microwave energy emanate from towers across the Mid-West, affecting our sleep and mood cycles ... and so much more.
*See more root cause factors in the Resources section at the top of the page.
We decided to help Mother Nature renew her natural systems of vitality and regenerate her ability to provide life-enhancing balance and wellness to our people.
We have generated a state-wide petition effort to present to our state government the need for common-sense, enforceable legislation that manages the out-of-control use of poison in our commonly shared environment.
It's time to upgrade the vitality and health of Iowa citizens.
Our Goal
Our goal is simple: To stimulate, create, and activate effective legislation to stop spraying toxic compounds over Iowa.
We call upon the Iowa General Assembly to take immediate legislative action to prohibit all forms of geoengineering within the state. One component of Geoengineering is defined as the deliberate injection of particles and toxic compounds into the atmosphere, which pose significant risks to our environment, human health, and the well-being of future generations.
We declare that now is the moment when a definite, principled new position must be taken regarding the damage to nature’s bountiful design.
In addition, when we consider Iowa State farming practices, we encourage our state farmers and government to provide a sensible alternative to the depleting of our soil to extinction - and to generate a healthier, permanent, and more profitable model of growing food.
This can be accomplished in phases so that current practices can transition to new, life-supporting processes. We can work together to propose new models of food production that will be worthy of consideration by all parties who are currently involved in feeding Iowans.
Our Vision
To establish Iowa as the healthiest state in the United States.
To help re-orient the vision of what’s possible for the citizens of our state, in terms of their well-being and fulfillment.
To always have fresh, clean air, water, food, and vitality for living life.
To have the most effective health system available, unburdened by factors that destroy our momentum toward perfect health, and vitality for living a perfect life.
To help create Iowan governance that is aligned with how nature works, so that all of us are naturally inspired to prosper and to fulfill our unique potential.
With Clear Skies Iowa we can make a real impact on our environment.
Join us to advocate for legislative changes to eliminate chemtrails in Iowa, ensuring cleaner air and creating a healthier atmosphere.
Together, we can safeguard Iowa's skies for future generations.