The Problem
Geoengineering is the deliberate large-scale manipulation of environmental processes, since the late 1940’s, that affect the earth’s climate. High altitude (stratospheric) aerosol injection with particles intended to reflect the sun’s rays to cool the earth’s atmosphere is one of many ways to control and influence the weather for various agendas and reasons.

Cloud seeding is another aspect
of Geoengineering and is a U.S.
government program to interfere
with natural cloud formations by
mixing noxious into
the jet fuel of large aircraft, which
are then dispersed at high altitudes.
What are the real reasons for these governmental programs
which interfere with natural weather patterns? The reasons are many and multi-layered and will greatly disturb anyone who begins to research the actual truth. Please see our references at the bottom of this page.
The stratospheric aerosol injection part of geoengineering unhealthy compounds, which fall to earth to pollute our air, water, soil, and food. Aerosol components include barium, chromium, cobalt, strontium, aluminum, lead, mercury, silicon, graphene oxide, and a long list of additional, deadly elements.
These compounds enter the environments of all living things. In humans, these poisons
move into our tracheas and our bloodstream, making many of us sick and potentially
shortening our lives.
These illegal programs are done without our permission, have never been approved by the world’s population and create a terminal problem for all life on this planet. It has
continued unabated all over the planet for several decades. So, we must stop it now
and find ways for humanity to create a more harmonious balance with nature.
Specifically, we are taking action here in Iowa to support legislation that helps our state be clear of these toxins, to have fresh, clean air as it was intended … resulting in
healthier citizens.