Chemtrails contain a variety of toxic and dangerous compounds that should not be dispersed in our skies and allowed to fall to the earth.
There are 103 chemicals and elements in the Periodic Table of Elements. Chemtrails contain 22 of those. Some of the most dangerous and toxic are aluminum, barium, strontium, mercury, nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide, chromium, copper, titanium and lead.
They also contain graphene oxide nano -particles which, when entering our lungs, can cause inflammation and compromise red blood cells. Could they also contribute to Alzheimers and dementia, autism, bronchitis and asthma, lung, liver and kidney cancers, as they cross the blood-brain and placenta-brain barriers?
These compounds are not meant for human consumption, but that is exactly what happens when they fall from either the Stratosphere or Troposphere and enter our soil and our water sources, then end up in our foods which we have consumed without knowing the dangers in doing so.
But now we do. We are also breathing the air as these noxious chemicals and compounds fall from the sky. And we should not allow this toxic aerosol spraying to continue.