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In a word, yes, they are. They deny it when someone confronts them with this fact. They WILL admit they engage in “geoengineering” - the practice of high-altitude aerosol spraying - cloud seeding to use another term, but they deny there are any poisonous compounds or chemicals in the resultant chemtrails. Then how do we understand the aluminum particles found in cow’s or in a mother’s breast milk? How also to explain the presence of graphene oxide in our water supply, soils, or in the foods we eat?
Here are just a few more of the chemical compounds contained in chemtrails: barium, strontium, chromium, copper, titanium, nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide and lead. If these ingredients were listed on a box of your breakfast cereal, would you splash milk on a bowl of it and dig in? Probably not. So why should we be exposed to them by any other means? We shouldn’t.
Many of the serious health conditions that some in our population face are exacerbated by exposure to these dangerous chemicals: Alzheimers and dementia, autism, bronchitis and asthma, lung, liver and kidney cancers. What’s more, nanoparticles like graphene oxide can induce acute and chronic injuries in tissues by penetrating through the blood-air barrier, blood-testis barrier, blood-brain barrier, and blood-placenta barrier. They accumulate in our lungs, liver and spleen. For example, some graphene nanomaterial aerosols can be inhaled, move into the tracheobronchial airways, then transit down to the lower lung airways, resulting in the subsequent formation of granulomas, lung fibrosis and adverse health effects. This is terrifying if true.
This high-altitude aerosol spraying is justified by our government as it attempts to cool the surface of our planet, to combat global warming, to save us and future generations from the harmful effects of our own sun scorching us. There is no wide-spread agreement that global warming even exists, as one doomsday prediction after another comes and goes. But that’s for another discussion. This practice of cloud seeding, in and of itself, results in questionable and often severe consequences. (https://gregreese.substack.com/p/smart-dust-biosensors-and-chemtrail) Operation Popeye, a cloud seeding campaign in SE Asia, was so effective in 1968, it extended the monsoon season to the point where all the roads and trails in Laos leading into South Vietnam, were turned into raging rivers. This effectively stopped all truck and foot traffic and tilted the conflict in favor of the US with its air superiority. We saw this again in 2024 with the severe flooding in Dubai, as the result of a major cloud-seeding experiment in the region. The consequence was unprecedented flash flooding that killed 19 people and junked hundreds of thousands of cars. The water was so deep at the airports that jet airplanes were rushed to higher ground to prevent the engines from being destroyed.
So why isn’t anyone doing anything about this problem? As recently as April of this year, the governor of Tennessee signed into law, a bill banning the practice of high-altitude chemical spraying in Tennessee skies. Currently 11 other states agree and are working to pass similar laws of their own: New Hampshire, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Missouri, Minnesota, Kentucky, Illinois, South Dakota, South Carolina and Connecticut.
The practice of geoengineering and weather manipulation, or weaponization has been going on since1946. What is that, two generations or so? Let us be the generation that halts this dangerous practice once and for all. For more information on this dangerous practice and to sign our petition to pass an Iowa law preventing it, go to clearskiesiowa.com.
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