This law was passed for the purpose of reducing toxic emissions by Iowa companies while estimating the health benefits of Iowa citizens.
This law required the reduction of emissions of Sulphur Dioxide by 7%, Nitrogen Oxide by 67% and Mercury by 25%, all by 2020. It is not clear if these goals were actually met. But the intention was certainly commendable.
To be clear, this law did not include assigning liability or penalties to companies outside of Iowa. And while commendable and necessary, it excludes the high altitude spraying of toxic chemicals and compounds over Iowa. Consequently, this law needs to be amended or a new law passed that outlaws such practices in Iowa skies.
As of this posting on this website, one state has already passed a law outlawing toxic aerosol emissions in their state Tennessee. Now there are twelve more states working on their own legislature: New Hampshire, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Missouri, Minnesota, Kentucky, Illinois, Iowa, South Dakota, South Carolina, and Connecticut. Our objective is for Iowa to join this group and pass our own law.
I need contact with management please. Matthewiglehart@gmail.com
I would love some hardcopy information and forms to gather signatures. I've already emailed Senator Grassley for his endorsement and validation.
This is awesome I was hoping for someone to step up and here it is, I will gather many signatures and if elected to the house I will make this top priority!